WORLD WILDLIFE FUND CAMPAIGNS are our favorite to work on. We get to look through endless hours of stunning, high-resolution footage of cuddly animals, frightening apex predators and beautiful remote scenery from areas around world – it’s a pretty great way to spend the day. For the past 3 years, we have worked with WWF to produce a series of short films as part of their their end-of-year campaign to raise funds around the their most pressing issues. More recently, we worked on a series of static ads for a website takeover for the global event “Giving Tuesday.”
OUR GOAL was to create a series of short digital campaign videos that were both evergreen and topical, inspiring a sense of natural wonder and connection to far away places and species – all in under 30 seconds. Last year, we also created a series of static photo ads for a website takeover for the global event “Giving Tuesday,” a day to focus on giving to the charities and organizations you believe in.
These videos are meant to remind us of our connection to all things big and small and the potential impact we each carry with us
THE VIDEOS RECEIVED over 5 million views and impressions and are still rising. Each year we produce a topical video based on their current work, but also a piece that focuses on their general and ongoing conservation efforts on things like poaching or climate change. This allows WWF to reuse the videos throughout the year on a variety platforms. They are so successful that we have re-edited several pieces to be shown on major broadcast channels, despite being originally made for digital audiences.
THE “GIVING TUESDAY” ADS provided us with an opportunity to pair the video content with powerful complimentary static ads. We created a variety of static ads in the week leading up to “Giving Tuesday” and a brand new set for a takeover of the popular blog website, The Daily Kos. The ads allowed the videos to be more effective and made the user experience easier to follow with coordinating visuals to help guide online donations.