WE CREATED and launched to microsites to house the extensive reporting on AP-NORC’s Long-Term Care and Working Longer research polls. After years of reporting on the issue, they wanted a home for their work with a visual interface for users to navigate their extensive reports, graphics and upcoming interactives and data visualizations.
We started by designing and developing the microsite framework and a feature interactives to provide human faces and visual designs to the polling results. From there we could tailor each website and content to the program and data for that topic. Each program provides their own original research and in-depth reporting around a variety of areas and it was important that each site fit the program’s needs. AP-NORC needed a sophisticated websites to not only provide a face to their program, but serve as a tool for external researchers, reporters and policy makers to access the information.
AP-NORC needed a sophisticated website to provide a face to the program and also serve as a tool for external researchers, reporters and policy makers

We developed an original theme in WordPress to showcase their programs’ excellent content while serving as an in-depth research tool for policy makers, researchers and journalists. Additionally, we created custom static graphics and two interactive video features to highlight major reports for launch.

THE MICROSITE was designed and developed in WordPress to enable AP-NORC to have a clean, one-stop shop to showcase their ongoing research on aging in America. We designed the back-end to be easily updatable with custom fields so anyone could make updates without touching the code. Additionally, we created a website design that emphasized simplicity and usability, allowing their content to take center stage.
THE INTERACTIVE and data visualizations were created as feature content to kick-off the website and showcase the data on their major reports. We scripted, filmed and edited several short films exploring the lives and stories of the baby boomer generation and their choices to work longer or explore new careers later in life. Additionally, we made both static and clickable graphics to provide users with a quick, visual snapshot of the extensive survey data AP-NORC collected across the United States.